Monday, June 20, 2011

Waldrop Wedding 2011

May 20th, 2011. Misty, a girl who I have known since I was 5, married the man of her dreams, Van. I was able to capture the beautiful moments of their wedding. What made me proud was that I had gone through over half my life with this woman, and now I was going to be there for her as her photographer on her special day. She told me that she worried about everything in the wedding except the photography. I wish nothing more then a happy ever after for them, and long life filled with love and joy. Love you MistyMoo.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Always a bridesmaid or the photographer.

This year, all my childhood friends got married. 2 got married last year, and 3 get married in the past 2 months. Now, I am the last one out of my friends to get married. I was a bridesmaid in 2, photographer for 2, and guest for one. What to do now with my life? Shoot, Shoot, Shoot more pictures and wait till Walt Disney and God talk to bring my Prince Charming to me. The First Picture is a of me and my little sister, Hannah.